Complete XSS cheat sheet

Starting you red teaming project or waiting for your bug bounty to begin, we are here to help. What are we trying for: We have tried to compile all the xss payload which are handy and can be used to save a lot of time where time is a critical factor.All are public by various authors which can be found in the references. Where did we get it from: We use our pen-testing experiences and from many of the communities/researchers who have made their payloads publicly available along with our personal frequently used payloads.It also includes some of html5 and firewall evasion payloads. What we aim for: We want to help the community in building a complete set of toolkit which will reduce their efforts in looking out for same resources over and over again.We also encourage others to go ahead and submit us there own list payloads as well which they want to share which will benefit others and we will make sure to include it in our list. Enjoy!!!HaPpY HuNtInG!!! location='jav...