IoT Firmware Analysis!!!

A simple tutorial you can follow if you are new to the IoT world and firmware analysis. There are various videos as well you can refer to, just what to accept from all of them is the logic behind what is needed and what to look for. Step 1 - We begin by downloading the firmware from below link which belongs to a simple D-Link router, this can also be downloaded from vendors official website: Step 2 - We can use any tool which is capable of ".bin" extraction.We will be using the "Binwalk" tool with below command for analyzing the file system type. For a complete list of file systems, please refer to this link: . binwalk file.bin Step 3 - What we identify from simple binwalk is the file system and the address from where the file systems start which in our case is "1648424"The next step now would be to extract the file system us...